Tuesday, August 14, 2007

More Hot Air...
...leaving the GlowBall Warming balloon.

Yes kids, yet another group of scientist is throwing darts at the great conclusions reached by the Goreacle and his ilk. Researchers studying weather trends in Africa have concluded that the changes are tied to the Sun's activity. Imagine that!

A team of water experts says the pattern of droughts and floods in South Africa shows our global warming was triggered by the variability of the sun's irradiance rather than by human-emitted CO2. They say variations in South African rainfall patterns are keyed to periodic reversals of the sun's magnetic field—and to the constantly changing distance between the sun and the earth as both move through space.

Oh it gets better. They looked at past data and found:

Earth's recent global warming occurred too early—before 1940—to be blamed on human CO2 emissions. The net global warming since 1940 is only 0.2 degrees C, with none at all since 1998. There's little correlation between the earth's recent temperatures and CO2 levels, but a strong correlation between the sunspot index and subsequent changes in our sea-surface temperatures.

But, but, but Rumbear what about the Great United Nations report. Huh, what do you say about the conclusions found in there? Well, Let's see how the experts above handled that question...

The UN climate change panel has declared the solar variations “too small” to produce the climate warming of the past 30 years. However, a recent Danish experiment showed that the solar variations may be amplified fourfold because they create significant changes in the earth's cloud cover. More clouds cool the earth by deflecting more of the sun's heat back into outer space.

Curse those Danes! How DARE they question the Goreacle!

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