"Some see a glass as half full, some see it as half empty, I just want to know who’s drinking my rum."
Est. 2006
Friday, January 30, 2015
Tom Selleck..
I still want to be Tom Selleck when I grow up.....
"Pump It Up".... by Tom Brady & the Bellycheats!!
I Love Cats*
* No Dogs were harmed in the making of this post.
It's Aloha Friday ...
.....Trial Starts Continues on Monday !!! Doo de doo, de doo, de doo ....
15 days in the Denver in a trial. I have been sick for 10 days. Breathing easy again, Working on Saturday. Blacklist premieres on Sunday. Stay thirsty. Y'all have a
weekend!!! Doo de doo, de doo, de doo .... "Get your island fix on the Internet with KPOA!" Listen live to the island sounds from Maui!
Tuesday, January 27, 2015
#1 on a Rocket!
Detroit Red Wings...... right where they belong. My good friend Buck is in heaven with a good cigar and three fingers of the finest adult beverage...... and ....smiling. I miss ya buddy.
LGRW !!!!!
Who Knows......
Might work.
Denver. Home for the next three weeks. Day #2 of the trial is complete. I am firmly ensconced in the Attila the Hun suite at the local Marriott.
Welcome to the Alfred A. Arraj U.S. Courthouse
The newest addition to downtown Denver's Federal District. Completed
in October 2002, the Alfred A. Arraj U.S. Courthouse is located on a
2.5-acre block in downtown Denver. It completes the four-block Federal District that includes the U.S.
Customs House, Byron G. Rogers Federal Office Building and Courthouse
and the Byron White U.S. Courthouse. The site is bounded by 20th Street
on the northeast, Curtis Street on the northwest, Champa Street on the
southeast, and 19th Street on the southwest. A plaza and public entrance
face 19th Street to the southwest not far from the city's central
business district, and is adjacent to the existing Federal District to
the southeast.
Blogging will be intermittent, at best
Saturday, January 24, 2015
Aim Small, Miss Small
Then again......
The Boot....
Cleaning up the side bar on a cold day in Denver. Culling the herd of sites to be rid of those that have gone by "the way side". One disappointment is The Oddball Pilot. Used to be a good site with valuable info. Lately, when I stop by everything is "Member Only". Membership is $15.00 a month.
EDGEWOOD, Md. (AP) — The Harford County Sheriff's Office says a man
suffered a fatal heart attack as he was robbing a grocery in Edgewood.
were called to Aldi about 8:50 p.m. Monday for a reported armed
robbery. Police found a man lying face down on the floor inside the
supermarket; witnesses said he had tried to rob the store at gunpoint.
It's Aloha Friday ...
.....Trial Starts on Monday !!! Doo de doo, de doo, de doo ....
Hanging out in the Big D prepping for Monday. "T's" to be dotted and "i's" to be crossed. Stay thirsty. Y'all have a
weekend!!! Doo de doo, de doo, de doo .... "Get your island fix on the Internet with KPOA!" Listen live to the island sounds from Maui!
Deflate Gate.....
Somebody let the air out of Tom Bradley's balls. The footballs used in the latest playoff game were under inflated. The NFL is working furiously to NOT get to the bottom this. Cheatin Bill Bellycheat held a pres conference and said "I don't know nuttin...ask Bradley". Tom Bradley hurriedly held a follow up press conference. He barely had time to wipe the tires marks off and said.... "It wasn't me !"
My take...Cheaters gonna cheat, Liars gonna lie, Scammers gonna scam. That is the legacy of the Patriots under Bill Bellycheat.
Me thinks somebody is looking for a fall guy. Surely the NFL can't suspend Brady or Bellycheat. I'm left wondering how the Patriots will cheat in the Super Bowel. After they win, will there be another investigation? Meanwhile, over at the Onion...
I went to a Colorado Avalanche game. I know, I know...being a fan of the greatest hockey team ever, the Detroit Red Wings, I am not allowed to entertain thoughts of lesser teams. In mitigation I offer: -I am in Denver for four weeks -It was the last game before the All Star break -I have never been to the Pepsi Can Center -They were playing the Big Bad Broons -I got a deal -It was a rush decision -I made the news....sort of... I worked late and got back to my room. Earlier, I had checked Stub Hub and the nosebleed seats were $48 bucks. Kinda high for nose bleeds seats but, see mitigation list above. Game time was 8:00 PM. I checked Stubby at 6:15.......when what to my wondering eyes appears....Rinkside, Seat #10, $56.00. We going.
Great fun was had! See the foto above? Background, blue jacket with orange sweater....Da Bear. Seat right behind the Avs goalie. Some kid named VArylarmonovski or something. Good goalie. Lots of action right in front of me. Happy as a bird with a french fry! Got to see old tyme Red Wing Brad Stuart. Up close with Jerome Iginla....one ugly dude. Chara and Marchand. Cool.
Tons of loud, rude, obnoxious Broon fans. Par for the course. The words etiquette and Boston are rarely seen in the same sentence They got really bad when the Broons went ahead with about 10 minutes left. The Avs tied the game with minutes to go. That shut up the loathsome Broon fans. Overtime was good with the Avs having several solid opportunities. The there was a shootout! I have never seen one live. WOW! Avs scored and Boston had three attempts to tie it up...no dice. Avs won by blocking the last attempt. Shot a little video below.
In pennance I will do 3 Hail Datsyuk's, 2 forgive me Z's and a Bless you Babcock.
More Often Than I Care to Admit....
Monday, January 19, 2015
A Dialogue on MLK Day.....
Glad we got that out of the way.
Monday's Pun(s) !!!
I tried to catch some fog. I mist…
When chemists die, they barium.
Jokes about German Sausage are the wurst.
Sunday, January 18, 2015
State of the Union...
It's time again for the annual round of Bronco Bamas Bullshit Bingo. The guy who has not had a budget for his entire term once again springs forth to lay out his plan for organized incompetence. This budget is DOA..... Maybe James Taylor will show up.
Ahhhh, My First Real Job.....
Jeebus On A Pogo Stick!
We are being governed by a daft bunch of narcissists.
Going To Carolina in My Mind....
Product Endorsement
I'd like to endorse these products and tip my hat to their contributions to my success over these past days. Nothing beats the feeling of flying to a strange city alone on business, moving into a hotel for three weeks and promptly....falling ill.
On a postive note.....I can breathe thru my nose again...
Wednesday, January 14, 2015
On The Road Again....
Denver. Inbound.......
Resolutions vs Bacon...
Bacon Wins!!!!!
Global Warmingists...............
No. Please, no......
Monday, January 12, 2015
I'd Use Reloads.......
Just saying. Economy and all.....
Monday's Pun(s) !!!
I searched for designer compression stockings. My
wife says it is because I'm so vein.
I heard the new auto body shop that opened comes
highly wreck-a-mended.
Never ask a podiatrist for conversions to metric -
he only knows feet.
Who's next, John Fricking McCain? Mean Olde Bob Dole?? The GOP is staring a special opportunity in the face and actively searching for a way to ruin it. Never in history has a party been so consistently inept in putting forth a presidential candidate that can WIN.
A fellas got a right to dream eh, wot?!
Friday, January 09, 2015
Just Saying.......
It's Aloha Friday ...
.....I Fly Home on Saturday !!! Doo de doo, de doo, de doo ....
Binge watching Justified with the wife. Shakedown cruise for the reassembled Whaler. There is a Red Wings game Saturday night. Might be time to hit the range on Sunday. Y'all have a
weekend!!! Doo de doo, de doo, de doo .... "Get your island fix on the Internet with KPOA!" Listen live to the island sounds from Maui!