Tuesday, August 14, 2007


Christopher Hitchens may be a English socialist/commie bastard, however, he is a bright articulate English socialist/commie bastard. Thus, he presents an engaging read whatever the topic. Here is an excerpt from his latest tome on the Iraq War. Spot on as usual.....

If I am right about this, an enormous prize is within our reach. We can not only deny the clones of Bin Ladenism a military victory in Iraq, we can also discredit them in the process and in the eyes (and with the help) of a Muslim people who have seen them up close. We can do this, moreover, in a keystone state of the Arab world that guards a chokepoint—the Gulf—in the global economy. As with the case of Afghanistan—where several provinces are currently on a knife-edge between an elected government that at least tries for schools and vaccinations, and the forces of uttermost darkness that seek to negate such things—the struggle will take all our nerve and all our intelligence. But who can argue that it is not the same battle in both cases, and who dares to say that it is not worth fighting?

Read the whole enchilada here.

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