I read this headline with some amazement. "Passengers Sued Over Imams' Removal" The article goes on to point out the allegedly terrible accounts of the poor Imams as they made a spectacle of themselves while boarding an airplane last fall.
MINNEAPOLIS (AP) - Six Muslim men removed from a plane last fall after being accused of suspicious behavior are suing not only the airline but the passengers who complained—a move some fear could discourage travelers from speaking up when they see something unusual.
The civil rights lawsuit, filed earlier this month, has so alarmed some lawyers that they are offering to defend the unnamed "John Doe" passengers free of charge. They say it is vital that the flying public be able to report suspicious behavior without fear of being dragged into court.
Now, I'm just a simple law talking type attorney guy but it seems to me that the Imam's are getting a pass here. Huh? Yes, a pass...why is it that the passengers are not suing the Imams? That's right, Sue the Bastards! This is America (last time I checked) and this is the way we roll when wronged...sue em! Why shouldn't these men of gawd be responsible for THEIR actions? They appear to have acted intentionally just to scare the wits out of the other passengers. They had a plan and executed it.
So, let's sue em! Just off the top of my tort laden brain I can think of several causes of action..... Negligence, Negligent Infliction of Emotional Distress, Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress, Public Nuisance, Private Nuisance and let's throw in a request for punitive damages as these guys were acting deliberately with malice. That's just for starters. Give me some time to reflect and I might want to add CAIR as a defendant....hmmmm
The "John Doe" defendants do not need to be defended, they need to be represented! I'll take the case on a contingent fee basis...no recovery=no fee.