Pope whoever has left the walled city with gates and armed guard to mingle with the hoi poloi here in AMERICA. In my best Southern drawl.....Bless his heart...
He has been a useful tool to Bronco Bama and his Socialist friends on the left. He seems to forget he leads a Church. My goodness, the Libtards are all Ferklempt!
Here is the best synopsis of the Commie meanderings...
Watermelon Pope: Green on the Outside, Red Within.....
The pope's environmental positions, which the New York Times has euphemistically described as “liberal,” are in total accord with those of President Obama, who has repeatedly emphasized his commitment to pursuing “green energy” while waging a relentless assault on the oil and coal industries. The partnership between Francis and Obama is a parody of what was once the relationship between Ronald Reagan and Pope John Paul II. While Reagan and JPII collaborated in putting communist totalitarianism on the ash heap of history, Francis has joined Obama in rendering unto Caesar by attacking capitalism and the development that is the last best hope of the poor.
Obama’s guru has been Saul Alinisky, the famed community organizer who laid out a blueprint for gradually transforming America into a socialist paradise. Who has been Pope Francis’ guru in his environmental activism? Clearly the Pope and the Vatican nomenklatura had a predetermined conclusion in mind when they began their inquiry into the environment, because they picked Naomi Klein for a major role. This past summer, Klein was asked not only to speak at a Vatican press conference on the pope's climate-change encyclical, but also to co-chair a Vatican conference on climate change alongside Cardinal Peter Turkson.
Klein has no formal training in the field of climatology. In fact, she never even finished college. Her major qualification is that she is a die-hard socialist who, like Pope Francis, views capitalism as the scourge of both the human soul and the natural environment.
Just another Commie Bastard spreading the gospel of Marx, Lenin, Stalin, Che, and Castro.
and you thought I retired......
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