Who are we fighting? The entire world calls the scum running amok in Irac & Syria ISIS. The Islamic State of Iraq & Syria. So what does president Zero, Our Hero call these mongrels? ISIL.....wha, what, who?
ISIL....Islamic State of Iraq & Levant.
Well Olde Zero, being smarter than the average jackass, is pulling one over on you. He comes from the tell the lie often and repeat it at every opportunity crowd. I guess he is hoping that the ISIS nimrods catch on to his word play & change their name.
So Rumbear, what's the big deal? They are still bad guys, right? Well, lemme ask you...what is the Levant? Hmmm......?*
That's right boys & girls, president Zero is lumping Israel and it's land, in with these ISIS punks. That's why he uses ISIL and no one else does.
File Under: Stoopid Crap Our president Pulls.
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