Friday, August 08, 2014


Some ESPN talking head in Miami was upset about the departure of LeBron James from his team, the Heat.  Big doings were planned by the Cleveland Cavaliers for a day to celebrate the homecoming of LeBron.  The announcermanpersontalkinghead hatched a scheme to place six billboards around the Ohio town just to rub it in a little.

So he did.

I think it is a pretty funny prank.  However,the society for the perpetually enraged saw the signs and , well, faux enrage ensued.........ESPN suspended the announcermanpersontalkingheadguy for two days.

Personally, I am surprised that the race card has not been played yet. My advice?  Get a sense of humor.....

1 comment:

Buck said...

Those billboards are a seriously good... and EXPENSIVE... prank. It doesn't surprise me that the suits at the Four-Letter Network would frown upon the act... Suits are notoriously bereft of a sense o' humor.