Friday, May 30, 2014


The Dead Poets Society gained another member this week.  Maya Angelou assumed room temperature after a rather interesting life.  She wrote a book, supported commies, and recited some poetry at Bill Clintons inauguration.  She was also a retired hooker and taught as a professor at Wake Forest, although she never had a college degree.

“I’m not modest,” Angelou explained last year to the AP. “I have no modesty.” She got to know herself, apparently, after getting to know poetry and politics and songs and stage. She usurped her parents’ privilege by renaming herself after finding “Marguerite Johnson” not quite arresting enough. In this spirit, she insisted that others call her “Dr. Angelou” though she never obtained a college degree.

The doctor without a doctorate became a teacher without students at Wake Forest. “She collects an annual salary well into the six figures, yet presently teaches no classes and has no campus office,” John Meroney, then a senior at the North Carolina school, wrote in The American Spectator twenty-one years ago. “The office listed for her in the Wake Forest telephone directory is a storage closet in a building far from the main part of campus.”

So, that is that....

UPDATE: Looks like Rodger the Real King of France & Captain Capitalism have  a little more on this poet...


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