Triton's Win!
As many, okay both, of my long time readers know, SNT is a freshman at UCSD studying Nano(?) Engineering. He is also starting, as a long pole defense man, on the Men's Lacrosse team.
Last night they had a home game against UC Irvine*. Now, defensemen are pretty much stay at home and guard their goal area types of fellas. Once in a while, the better ones will trot down field and mix it up a little with the opposing team. They in turn, hand the ball off to the Middies & Attack men to do their thing, i.e. score. The defensemen then hustle, (i.e. haul buttocks) back to their end. It's all good, in your face, fun.
Ahhh.... to be 19 again.
In last nights game, SNT scooped up a loose ball on his end of the field and went for a little romp. 40 yards later, after a couple dekes and dodges, the path to the opposing goal opened, the afterburners came on, the trigger on the long pole was pulled, and .....BOOM! The freshman scored a goal!
Kid was walking on a cloud after the game.
They have another game today. I'll be there, supporting the Rumbear Youth.
* (SNO's alma mater)
End of the Line
47 minutes ago
A much under-rated sport.
Give SNT my warmest congrats!
The WSO played in high school. A little more genteel when the girls play it, but still a magnificent sport.
Congrats ARE in order! Pass mine along, please.
Will do gentlemen!
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