Friday, September 13, 2013

Meadowbrook Hall 

I have written before about Meadowbrook Hall.  The campus of my alma mater was built on the grounds thereof.  I was perusing the some internet photos today and found these shots of the Gazebo.....brought back some mam, er, memories.  Spent a lot of time there, sunsets, rum & cokes and ..... well, good times.

Hat Tip to John Dodge.......


Buck said...

Ooooh... pluck my heartstrings, why dontcha? Some of the BEST concerts of my life happened at Meadowbrook, and my company rented facilities in the Hall for corporate retreats, back in the day. One of my VERY favorite places in all o' Dee-troit.

Rumbear said...

I was there in the mid 70's. Golf course was still a dream. Friend was the lone night guard there. Spent many a night doing things we shouldn't.... a magical place.