Saturday, August 17, 2013

5 Years On....

August 12, 2008

I got the call that day that you do not want to hear. I was on an island off the California coast acting as the "Leader" for 40 scouts at camp. We were to have a beach BBQ that evening. My spirits deflated as I learned over the phone that my dear sister had passed. No way to get off the island to be of a consequence. Alone with my thoughts. Leukemia had finally taken it's toll. 

I miss you dearly Ginny. You always gave me strength and sometimes....a smack in the head.  What I wouldn't give for either today.  She fought a good fight and stood tall against the inevitable. Proud, I am to be her brother.  Rest in peace are with the parents and in a better place. 

1 comment:

Buck said...

My condolences, Rummy.