Monday, June 25, 2012

Supreme Court Uphold's Arizona Law! 

The Supreme Court has upheld the key component of SB 1070, the Arizona Immigration Law.  It ruled that the provision requiring a check of immigration status for persons otherwise detained was valid.  This was the centerpiece of the bill. A citizen lawfully stopped by a police officer will have his immigration status checked. 

The Court threw out several lesser provisions.  (In the world of negotiations, these were what are known as throw away issues.) Look for the Lamestream media to focus on what was tossed as opposed to what was upheld. 

More over at Legal Insurrection.

UPDATE:  Sheesh!  Several of youse naysyaers have written me...but, but, but, Rumbear they threw out portions! I read it in [enter MSM newspaper here] Okay, go here if you need to hear the news from a Tall Dog.  

I know, I're welcome.


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