Sunday, March 04, 2012

Breitbart is Here.

There are a lot of tributes going on around the intrawebs for Andrew.  Nevertheless, the usual talking hemorrhoids of the left are in high dungeon as they dance around the body of a fallen Conservative that dared question their flawed logic. They have no conscience, no shame, but they will find other targets.  

So how do you pay tribute to someone like Breibart?  Some  one with the stones to confront idiocy straight on? Personally, I think he is the Lee Atwater of these times.  Both died young. Both cut a wide path. A phrase uttered by Hunter Thompson comes to mind, "He stomped on the terra."

But I digress, a tribute was the topic. Today, I found a photo over at Proof Positive.  (Thus, acknowledgements are in order as a tip my hat to Proof.) The photo struck a chord with me. I have posted it on the sidebar as a reminder of where we are and, where we need to go. 

Brietbart is here.


UPDATE: And goes viral....cutting edge baby......Clicky, clicky.