Monday, February 06, 2012

Halftime in Amerika?

WTH?  Am I the only one who thought this piece of trash ad smacks of political payback from the Chrysler Wing of Obama Motors?  

Halftime?  Get the analogy?  president Zero, Our Hero, is halfway through his purported 8 year guaranteed tenure of misery & tumult.  He needs another half just to make sure the US of A is screwed for good. Please Amerika, pull together and we can all be like Detroit.

Some facts....... 

1. Detroit is broke and asking the Federal Gubbermint for a bailout just last week.
   Click, click, click.....

2. The state is running Detroit schools due to unprecedented greed and graft.   Click, click....

2. Government Motors (GM) did NOT pay back it's bailout. Click, click, click, click, click, ......
3. Chrysler did not pay back it's bailout money. It was handed over to FIAT (Fix It Again Tony) for a nominal sum with 1.9 BILLION written "off".  (Why do you think we have FIAT commercials during the Sooper Bowel?)  Click, click, click, click....

Just more boob bait for the that 8.3 % unemployment figure. Absolute BS.  

To think that Clint Eastwood, the former Republican Mayor of Carmel, stepped up for this piece of crap.  Lord have mercy. Now we find out the ad was not even shot in DETROIT! They needed a stand in and chose New Orleans & Los Angeles. 

But it's the thought that counts Rumbear.  I know......

UPDATE: Jay Leno...It may be halftime in  America but China's got the ball and we are down by 16.

UPDATE: It's halftime in America. Are you ready to win?  Vote Republican in November and let Obama hear America's engines roar on his flight back to Chicago.