Friday, January 20, 2012

A Democrats View.

Great article posted up over at the American Thinker.  president Zero may be serving his "base" however the common sense Democrats are growing, uh umm, restless.  Karin McQuillan would be in such group....

Now We Know Who Was Right about Obama

On intelligence, sadly, the Democrats were completely wrong.  Democrats swooned over Obama's suave self-presentation.  They constantly cited his position as editor at the Harvard Law Review as an impressive qualification to be president of the United States.  (Strange, but true.)  Republicans who did their homework knew that Obama was not the first black, but only the first affirmative action Harvard Law Review editor.  He did make history at the Law Review: he was the only editor never to write an article for the Review.  Indeed, Obama has never written a law article on anything.  Despite being given a job as lecturer on constitutional law at the University of Chicago, he is unpublished.

Journalists proclaimed him the most intelligent man to ever hold the White House.  What does this great brain do with his free time?  According to the New York Times, his favorite activities are playing Taboo, Wii video games, and basketball.  It seems that the Republicans were right who wondered about a mediocre high school student who smoked dope and drifted through his early college years at Occidental and was an "unspectacular" student at Columbia.  As Donald Trump asked, "I heard he was a terrible student, terrible.  How does a bad student go to Columbia and then to Harvard?"  Percy Sutton, former borough president of Manhattan, in a TV interview, gives one possible answer: Islamic supremacist Dr. Khalid al-Mansour, an advisor to a wealthy Saudi, paid for Barack Obama to go to Harvard Law School.

We now see the lazy student, the charmer in the White House, busy at what he likes best: golf, basketball, vacations, parties, speeches, and raising money.  He has not been the policy wonk Democrats dreamed of, President Clinton redux.  Obama doesn't do hard work.  He farmed out his health reform to Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, showing no interest or capability in formulating the details of the policy or even working the politics to get it through Congress.  He famously didn't lift the phone to call Capitol Hill and get his signature policy passed.  Obama's only contribution was nonstop speeches, which failed to win over the country.  He doesn't seem interested in or capable of formulating an intelligent economic policy or foreign policy.  He doesn't care enough to even try.

GO. Read the whole thing. 

(Hat Tip to Lex for the link)