Thursday, December 22, 2011


Every ten years the great folks that run Kallyfornia get together to re draw the district lines of Congress to alolow for adjustments in voter migration.  Seems every time they do this, the Democrats wind up with more seats and the Repuiblicans stand gazing at their navels wondering what happened.  So this year the Wizards of Smart had a new way to redraw the lines.  Its was to be completed by Citizen Commission of local folks who had the interest of the common peoples in mind.

As this article documents, for the get go the Democrats set out to rig the selection process of Commission members and thwart any attempt at objectivity.  Thus, once again, Kallyfornia remains staunchly Democrat with horses behinds like Pete Fortney Stark & Nancy Peelosi entrenched in Congress. 

The question facing House Democrats as they met to contemplate the state’s new realities was delicate: How could they influence an avowedly nonpartisan process? Alexis Marks, a House aide who invited members to the meeting, warned the representatives that secrecy was paramount. “Never say anything AT ALL about redistricting — no speculation, no predictions, NOTHING,” Marks wrote in an email. “Anything can come back to haunt you.”
In the weeks that followed, party leaders came up with a plan. Working with the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee — a national arm of the party that provides money and support to Democratic candidates — members were told to begin “strategizing about potential future district lines," according to another email.
The citizens’ commission had pledged to create districts based on testimony from the communities themselves, not from parties or statewide political players. To get around that, Democrats surreptitiously enlisted local voters, elected officials, labor unions and community groups to testify in support of configurations that coincided with the party’s interests. 

Thus, California remains in a perpetual state of ....suck.