Friday, January 14, 2011

Update: Right Wing Hate Speech

president Zero says we all need to be civil....The list by Michele Malkin below is a tool to illustrate hypocrisy of Zero. It's almost to easy to blast this. Here is an e-mail I received from the roving left coast editor.


I just watched a 50-year-veteran law-enforcement official claim in a televised interview with Megyn Kelly that the horrific murders committed by a disturbed young man (one described by former classmates as a pot-smoking left-wing rocker) had something to do with an “atmosphere” created when “one party is trying to do something to make this country a better country and the other party is trying to block them.” The party trying to “do something to make the country better” is, of course, the Democrats. The party trying to “block them” is the Republicans.

Have you ever in your life encountered such transparent hypocrisy? Dupnik claims to be condemning rhetoric that demonizes political opponents even as he exploits the Arizona killings to demonize his political opponents — those evil Republicans who are trying to stop the noble Democrats from “doing something to make the country better.”

Is it possible that Sheriff Dupnik is actually blind to his own hypocrisy? Or does he have so little respect for the intelligence of his fellow citizens that he imagines they won’t notice it?

One of the ladies (no doubt a Democrat) who went to hear Giffords speak, bravely helped to hold down the shooter. I just heard her on Fox explaining that the reason for the tragedy was the Republicans hate speech. Never mind that the shooter is a leftwing nutcase. It was the conservatives fault. And as another poster pointed out, never mind:

The truth....
"MSNBC's Chris Matthews fantasizing on air about seeing Rush Limbaugh shot in the head? I do.

I also remember....
Sandra Bernhard: Sarah Palin should be GANG RAPED if she comes to New York.

The Craig Kilborn Show superimposing the words "Snipers Wanted" over the face of President George W. Bush.

Nobel "Peace Prize" winner Betty Williams publicly stating her desire to murder President George W. Bush.

British film makers Gabriel Range and Simon Finch making a 2006 movie fantasizing about assassinating President George W. Bush.

Alec Baldwin urging the murder of Henry Hyde, his family, and ALL Congressional Republicans and their families on national television.....

David Guy McKay and Bradley Neil Crowder, two America-hating left-wing terrorists, were arrested by the FBI after conspiring to firebomb Republicans at the 2008 GOP Convention in Minneapolis, Minnesota. The American Media refused to report the story.

NPR commentator and ABC News reporter Nina Totenberg wishes death by AIDS on Senator Jesse Helms and/or his grandchildren.

Julianne Malveaux publicly wishes death on Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas."

president Zero, do as I say, not as I do..........

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