Sunday, October 31, 2010


Just how stupid are the voters in this great state? Are they smarter than the average bear? Presently the conservative REPUBLICAN, Joe Miller is in the three way fight of his life due to the shenanigans of a spoiled, abject failure of a politician named Lisa Murkowski.

Is the basic Alaskan voter dumber than a Californian pulling that lever on Tuesday? I mean here in Kallyfornia we expect mediocrity. We revel in politicians that lie to us. We expect the media to be bias and lean heavily to the left.

Do Alaskans? Really......

Because if they don't, a rude awakening is in store for the sheeple of Alaska. The silver spoon in the mouth sitting Republican Senator, Lisa Murckowsky, is bringing new meaning to the term "political whore". This tramp lost the primary to JOE MILLER. She said if she lost she would support the winner. Didn't happen. She tried to run as an "Independent " and they said get the
f _ _ _ outta here. She is now running as a "write in". This is her latest gambit to get the courts to overrule 50 years of settled law and allow her name to be posted in the election site. Wisely, the lower court declined.....until the Supreme Court of Alaska weighed in. Now we have a list that will be in the polling place to tell the stupid voters of Alaska how to spell Lisa's name so she gets a vote.

Undaunted, a local Anchorage radio shock jock took a call from a listener and he suggested that residents of the good state register as write ins so their names would be on the same list as Lisa MurkCowski's. It the list has over 100 hundred write in's listed with varying spelling of this sore losers last name. So....Murchowskii is threatening to sue the radio station and the shock jock for interfering with the election process.

Pot. Kettle. Black.

It gets better. Now our vaunted Justice Department under Eric "NO Injustice Here" Holder has dispatched the hounds (aka lawyers) to Alaska to ensure ..... thievery. Don't they just inspire confidence?

Oh, it gets better.

The local TV station editor was caught on tape with one of his reporters plotting how to set up Joe Miller so they could smear him. Fair and ass. So far the station is feigning ignorance in spite of the matter being on tape. Let me say that again....IT'S ON TAPE!

Even Sarah chimed in and called the Alaskan press "Corrupt Bastards"

Oh, it's gets even better.....

The Republican National Committee is now waffling on support for JOE MILLER even though MurChOWski renounce her party affiliation to run as a write in. These weak kneed bastard have allowed her to retain committee position despite that fact that she is not in the party. [Ed Note: This is precisely why I do not donate to the RNC. You should not either. Give to the specific candidate.] GIVE TO JOE MILLER!

So how about it you Alaskan voters...are you mind numbed illiterate numskulls being duped by the Lower 48 PR/pres machine on your local election? - or - are you gonna man up and show some common sense? Cast the BS aside and elect Joe Miller as your next Senator. Throw out this piece of human debris named MurCOWski on November 2nd.

Let me be blunt Mr. Alaskan...don't be
a Dumb Ass.