Thursday, September 09, 2010

Burn a Koran? 


Is'nt this America?  Gotta go with Debbie Schlussel on this one. 

While I do not support, embrace, or endorse the International Burn a Koran Day, and it is meant to unnecessarily provoke (and does a disservice to the efforts of those of us who oppose Islam but do not engage in offense like this), I view it as far less offensive than those who burn an American Flag on regular occasions all over America.  The American Flag is far more holy to me than a book which inspires mass murder of all of those who do not adhere to the strictest observance of Islam and its sharia (and often the mass murder of rival Islamic factions).
I also see the burning of the Koran as far less offensive than “art” sponsored by the U.S. government, such as “Piss Christ,” featuring a cross in a bottle of urine.  But Hillary Clinton and Eric Holder never spoke out against that.    Neither did the mainstream media.  Instead of saying to the Islamic world, “this is what America is about–we say and do what we want, no matter how offensive,” they are cowering to those who have already vanquished us on the anniversary of the planned event.  Cowering to the enemy never works.  It eggs them on.

I am tired of being tolerant of fools who kill over comic depictions, behead journalists for sport and build mosques where bad taste dictates otherwise.  No that the shoe is on the other foot, they continue to squeal like swine.   

It's time the Muslims learned that America is all about tolerance.  Embrace it or leave.

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