Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Dire Straights

It's pretty lonely on the HellthScare fight.  Where are our leaders?!! It is imperative that the Republicans in the Senate force a reading of the bill. One, I do not believe they have it written in final form as yet.  Time to flush it out. Two, the American people need to know what is in this travesty.  Read. It. Out. Loud. 

Dick Morris hits a home run today channeling Winston Churchill.

If they beat us in the Senate, we will fight them in conference.  If they beat us in conference, we will fight them in the House.  If they beat us in the House over healthcare, we will fight them over cap and trade.  We will fight them over immigration and amnesty.  We will fight them over the deficit.  We will fight them over the debt.  And we will fight them in 2010.  We will fight them in the House.  We will fight them for Senate seats in Connecticut, Delaware, Pennsylvania, New York, and Arkansas.  We will fight them in Colorado and North Dakota and California and Washington State.  We will fight them in Illinois and in New Jersey.  We will never, never, never, never give up!  Our country is at stake!

Calling Winston
Is anybody home
Calling Winston
I'm here all alone
Did he leave the building
Or can he come to the phone
Calling Winston
I'm here all alone

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