Monday, June 01, 2009



My dear father is spinning in his grave today as one of the greatest corporation in the history of America is taken over by the socialist in government and handed to the unions. Farewell GM.

I never thought I would find myself agreeing with Ralph Nader.

WASHINGTON, June 1 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Consumer advocate Ralph Nader today issued the following statement on GM's bankruptcy filing:
Today's bankruptcy declaration in federal court by General Motors is an avoidable, crude weapon of mass devastation for workers, dealers, auto suppliers, small businesses and their depleted communities. For GM's voiceless owners -- the common shareholders -- it is a wipeout.

Next our new socialist government will drive up the price of oil/gas so that we are forced to buy the little environmentally friendly pieces of crap that will be produced by the new Government Motors. Oh, and look for a tax on your current SUV.

Mark My Words.

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