I hate to say I told you so but.....I told you so.
"Believe me, there is someone in the Obama campaign who is deathly afraid of the 'McCain pulls even or goes ahead' poll." (And in Gallup, it was within 2 percent.) "That Obama strategist knows how much depends on the whole Chuck Schumer and Rahm Emanuel approach --.work with the media to demoralize conservatives, and keep the perception of a juggernaut going. But a day or two of a few bad polls, and that strategy backfires. The conservatives know they've still got a shot at this." [Emphasis added]
We have moved into that gray area of the political season where the polls become increasingly unreliable. In theory they should be seeking clarity. 14 days left, people making decisions and consolidating on one side or the other. That would be common wisdom IF the polls were legitimate. Buttttt everybody has a cause. So the polls gets a little shall we say "gamed" Look at Zogby...today he has The One up by 10 points. Do you really think that a shift of 6-7 points has occurred this past three days? Really? Look at the state by state reports and they show no such lurch. Indeed several states are trending McCain. Check out Nevada...it has been a leaning Obama forever....McCain is now on top there and the state is listed as "to close to call" Ditto for Colorado. What's up with that?
Which brings us to Pennsylvania. Everybody says The One is up by double digits. Okay, why is McCain campaigning so heavily there? I mean wouldn't this be throwing $$ away? Maybe...yet why is Fast Eddie Rendel, the Governor of the state, "worried"? Hmmmmmmm?
Here's the dirty little secret folks.....internal polls. The campaigns need hard data to direct their firepower. Clearly the internals for each campaign are showing something different to the above referenced strategery. That is why you see McCain in places he should not be. That is why Fast Eddie is worried. That is why the One continues to campaign in states where he is up...even "way up".
It's a horse race folks. The Democrats do not want you to think, let alone know, that...it would be contrary to their strategery. YOU have the power to defeat them.
I told you so....
UPDATE: The Great One, F. Lee Levin get's it.
Obama's own internal polling shows him with only a two-point lead in the state. [i.e....Pennsylvania]
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