Friday, September 28, 2007

Good GoogglieMooglie!

Exactly, how much do we have to give away? Good Lord this is getting exhausting listening to the Democrats pander as they RUN for the presidency. John Edwards wants everybody to have health care and YOU pay for it. Hillary chimes in with her plan to give health care to everyone, legal, illegal, poor rich and YOU get to pay for it. John Dingell wants to fight GlowBall Warming by taxing gas another $.50 a gallon and YOU get to pay for it!!!

NOW, Hillary wants each kid born in the country to get a $5,000.00 "baby bond" for ...for future costs of college or buying a home....". Hell, let's put a Buick in every drive way too! That will help the downtrodden auto worker...

Aaarrrrrrrgggggghhhhhhhhh!!!!! It's five o'clock somewhere!!!

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