Sunday, February 18, 2007

Spot On.

The wise ole Cap'n, Neptunus Lex, discusses the current "leadership" of the Congress under the heading of "How Democracies Perish" over at his site. On the conduct of Congressman Murtha he allows:

Mr. Murtha would clearly like for us to believe that he is merely attempting to do the “right thing,” both for the country and the troops. Why then this charade? Why this attempted perversion of the constitution to effect in a slow series of ever-more restrictive bonds what he must believe his party was elected to effect and which is well within their constitutional grasp using the power of the purse? Why not just act in consonance with the dictates of his conscience, and with what he no doubt understands to be the will of the people?
It can only be because he fears to be associated with the consequences of the course of action he clearly means to impose. It can only be because he cares less about his convictions - what’s good for the country and the troops - than for his own political reputation and future. No other conclusion is possible. The lesson we take away from this is that for many powerful members of the political class, power is the only thing that really matters. Not power to do good, but power in its own right.

Go read the whole thing.

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