Friday, February 02, 2007

Original Sin, Guilt, End of Time!

Religion as we know it. Lambasted by the left be you Catholic, Protestant or Jewish. Your beliefs are ridiculed. Your beliefs and conservative foundations criticized time and again as you toil in your daily life. All of these have in them a set of beliefs that require adherence to be a member in good standing. All speak to the end of time, all use guilt as a tool for adherence and all have a category of those things that are deemed most heinous to the belief.

As does GlowBall Warming.

Sorry, you thought this was about religion. Well it is. That’s right. Think about it. Science by consensus. Believe or lose your credentials as a “weatherperson”. Guilt shall follow those who do not recycle, you infidels. And now we have the prediction……the end of time. Yes, the oracles that authored the latest GlowBall Warming report have stated that the world, as we know it, will end in TEN YEARS! Oh, the humanity! GlowBall Warming!!!! You HAVE to believe…because, because…..we do.

Sorry kids, I don’t. Where does that leave the Rumbear? Why, right here of course. Enjoying my family and three SUV’s while looking forward ten years to my sixtieth birthday. What a GREAT day to be alive enjoying life through my beliefs, not theirs. The choice is yours.
(Need more? Head on over to American Thinker and check out the article by JR Dunn. After all, I'm just a Bear!)

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