Friday, February 23, 2007

Agree with ME or...


The GlowBall Warming conspirators are at it again. They cannot let a man of science, learned that he may be, utter opinions that are not aligned with the "consensus" view. Thus, like Oregon last week , we have the Governor of a state dictating to the "State Climatologist" what his views shall be or he cannot use the title. Governor Ruth Ann Miller of the state of Delaware has written the person to whom the title has been bestowed David R. Legates and said:

"Your views on climate change, as I understand them, are not aligned with those of my administration," Minner wrote.

"In light of my position and due to the confusion surrounding your role with the state, I am directing you to offer any future statements on this or other public policy matters only on behalf of yourself or the University of Delaware," Minner wrote, "and not as state climatologist."

Mr. Lagates is on the record having referred to global warming as "climate alarmism."

Get that ......"your views are not aligned with my administration..." so shut up!! No debate or discussion in Delaware. Like the Spanish Inquisition, maybe if we use similar techniques, these non-believers of the warming scheme will see the error of their ways and admit the dangers of GlowBall Warming......or not. As long they shut up.

Consensus, indeed.

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