Wednesday, January 24, 2007

As Sponge Bob said.....

"Ahhh, good luck with that."

So the "First 100 Hours has ended....after 3-4 weeks. The exhausted members of the House were dauntless in their efforts. One of the touted cornerstones of their agenda was an increase in the minimum wage.

You remember, the House guided by HRH Pelosi passed a bill to raise the minimum wage in the entire US and all of it's territories...except Samoa. The workers of the country, except Samoans, needed help and HRH Pelosi was in charge and in control. Except that Samoa exemption. Seems HRH Pelosi has a constituent in her Northern California district that had a problem with raising the ole minimum wage in Samoa. Del Monte corporation headquartered in San Francisco operates a tuna processing facility in Samoa named StarKist Tuna. 75% of the islands workforce is employed by StarKist Tuna. So Samoa was exempted. Surely, just a coincidence.

Oh sure, there was lots of toe tapping and shoe shuffling when this came to light last week. No story here,... let's move along,.... said the Main Stream Media and the matter headed towards obscurity.

However, recall last week when I pointed out in my Congress 101 lecture that just because HRH Pelosi and the House say it does not mean it is law. Well today the Senate voted on the minimum wage issue. Down. In. Flames.

The Senate insisted that tax breaks be inserted in their version to allow the poor small business guys who are going to get stung by the minimum wage increase something of an offset. The House said no way we don't do tax cuts. So the Senate voted and the minimum wage is histoi.

Give me tuna fish, or nothing at all.............

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