Wednesday, December 13, 2006

hey ho, way to go Oh High Oh!

Well Chrissie Hynde was unavailable for comment. However, we here at the Chronicles feel it is a great day when any gun control law is repealed. Having said that, the Republican lead Senate in the state of Ohio overturned a veto by the Republican Governor, Bob Taft, LOOSENING gun control laws. (hmmm didn’t we have a President by that name.....but, I digress)

Still with me? That's right, the "Ohio Senate yesterday joined the House in overriding Gov. Bob Taft's veto of a concealed-carry law that effectively wipes out Columbus' assault-weapons ban and about 80 other local gun laws.Without debate and with vital help from three Democrats, the GOP-controlled Senate voted 21-12 for the override."

Yes!....Local gun control struck down, 2nd Amendment alive and well in Ohio. Despite the best "aim" of the Governor. Maybe now they will support National Ammo Day!

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