Thursday, November 02, 2006

Where's Waldo?!

Well, the Democratic version is "Where are our leaders?" Nancy "I'll take any suite I want" Pelosi, Howard "yeeearghh!" Dean and Harry "Show me the land deal" Reid have disappeared. Gone. Nary a press release this week. The people who feel we need to hear them pontificate daily on any topic have vanished without a trace. I expect to see their faces on milk cartons starting Friday. Where are these loud-mouthed prats? A cynical mind (moi!?) might believe they are laying low till the heat moves on. Heaven forbid the voters actually have to listen to their plans for the country after the election. Why, that might influence the vote… an undesired way. That’s right folks, the Democrats apparently got the word a week ago that prematurely picking out office suites and re-filing of congressional disclosure records might cause some to reflect on the choice at the ole ballot box. Something akin to spiking the ball on the 10 yard line. So these “stars” of the Democratic team have been sent to the locker room to chill, hide out, lay low, run scared while the voters are duped. John Kerry, (Dolt, MA) showed the true colors several days ago. Don’t be duped…....get out there on Tuesday and do the “right” thing.

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