Friday, September 28, 2012

So, how was your day......

Happy, I am.

Porsche....there is no substitute.

UPDATE: A concerned reader wrote about the license plate being displayed....not to worry.  Dealer plates.

It's Aloha Friday ... work till Monday!!!

Doo de doo, de doo, de doo ....

Trial work continues...the end is in sight.  Closing argument on Monday then hand the case to the jury.Bought a new toy.......
Have a GREAT weekend!

Doo de doo, de doo, de doo ....
Listen live to the island sounds from Maui!

Friday, September 21, 2012

Mid Life Crisis...

...begins in 3, 2, 1..........

It's Aloha Friday ... work till Monday!!!

Doo de doo, de doo, de doo ....

Trial work continues...the end is in sight.  Whaler is in for early morning Whalering.
Have a GREAT weekend!

Doo de doo, de doo, de doo ....
Listen live to the island sounds from Maui!



I Need one for Rum......

DNC: They Used Russian Ships...... 

The planes were not ours either.  

On the last night of the Democratic National Convention, a retired Navy four-star took the stage to pay tribute to veterans. Behind him, on a giant screen, the image of four hulking warships reinforced his patriotic message.
But there was a big mistake in the stirring backdrop: those are Russian warships.

Yeah, Rumbear, but their hearts were in the right place! R I G H T .........nothing to see here......move along.

Catching Up Here.... 

Just finished the second week of a three week trial. Fridays are "No Court Days" Gives me a day to do a weeks worth of work for other clients.  Work is busy, life is good, postings will remain light.

Sunday, September 09, 2012

Nuff said......

Lions vs Lambs

Season opener!!  GO LIONS!

(Biblical connotations notwithstanding)


The Pilot Briefing.....

.....yours may vary.

Always Remember.... can't spell Douche' without Che'.

You're welcome.

My Cousin.... 

...the comedian....

Back to School...  

...I feel like George Jetson in the opening to their show.
"Jane, his wife......"

The Rumbear Youth have taken up "Spending" as an intramural sport.  They are quite good at it.  

I am a lucky they tell me.


T-Rex Party....

Hmmmm, sounds good......tell me more.

Thursday, September 06, 2012


Starts on Friday. Blogging has been, and shall remain, light.  

Go for a walk, talk with an olde friend....
DNC Memorial for....

Ted, "The Swimmer" Kennedy?

Jeebus, they resurrected that old reprobate?  The only guy with a confirmed kill in the "War Against Wimmens". 

Ted Frickin Kennedy.

Mary Jo Kopechne was unavailable for comment....


Wonder what happened to the olde crank.  Used to chime in once in awhile. Cheap wine and good times in Ocracoke.

Musta got his panties in a bunch.......


"Epic Boobs".   

I gotta get out more..... 

Tuesday, September 04, 2012


Headline from Drudge...... get rid of God, forget about the Jews, taxpayer funded abortions, and record debt.....

Then you scroll down just a click and...


Dems Play Defense as Convention Opens...

Another Delegate Compares GOP To Hitler...

 .....exactly who is the DNC trying to appeal too?

Close the Lid! 

Democrats are poised to avoid the danger of President Barack Obama accepting his party’s nomination before a partially-empty stadium by shifting his speech to an indoor arena and citing ‘severe weather’. 

The Obama campaign have been working desperately to ensure that the 74,000-seater Bank of America stadium in Charlotte would be filled.

Just close the lid........ next question, please.

Bob is a Racist.

Ahhhh political satire....where has it gone?  You racist.

How did you celebrate?

Monday, September 03, 2012

Pure Michigan......



Tearing it up at the RNC and National Empty Chair Day is born!!

Awesome Ad.....

Sunday, September 02, 2012