I have been re-reading Success on the Step by C. Marin Faure. Great, no EXCELLENT, book on the history of Kenmore Air up on Lake Washington.
"Some see a glass as half full, some see it as half empty, I just want to know who’s drinking my rum." Est. 2006
2) tells me I can’t eat what I want and then have a party with $100 steaks on the menu
3) and now tell me that bankers are shameful for taking money during such hard times while “stimulating” and economy by essentially taking money during such hard times for things that he wants. Or enjoying a 170 million dollar inauguration.
Four more years, four more years ...of this crap from the smart guy.
Wherein the people are asked to play the part of the moron by the chosen One. Since well, because he "Won".
House Democrats propose to spend $550 billion of their two-year, $825 billion "stimulus bill" (the rest of it being tax cuts). Most of the spending is unlikely to be timely or temporary. Strangely, most of it is targeted toward sectors of the economy where unemployment is the lowest.
The Obama administration claims the stimulus bill will "create or save three or four million jobs over the next two years . . . with over 90% [of those jobs] in the private sector." To prove it, they issued a report from Christina Romer, chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers, and Jared Bernstein, chief economic adviser to Vice President Joe Biden. Its key estimates, however, were simply lifted from an outdated paper by Mark Zandi of Moody's economy.com.
Mr. Zandi's current estimates have government employment growing by 330,400 over two years as a result of the House bill (compared with 244,000 in Bernstein-Romer paper). Yet even that updated figure still amounts to only 8.3% of total jobs added, even though state and local governments are to receive 39% of the funds ($214.5 billion). Spending $214.5 billion to create or save 330,400 government jobs implies that taxpayers are being asked to spend $646,214 per job.
$650K large......how about just paying off everyone's mortgage? Stimulate me.
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