Monday, June 30, 2014

Another Shoe Drops...  

Yannow that person that stops by your parents house and checks on em.  Helps them out...yeah that one. You pay him/her a few sheckles to keep tabs on the parents.  Well in several states, (Michigan, Illinois) laws allowed the Unions declare them to be "Health Care Workers" and forced them to join the Union. Pushback in the form of a lawsuit ensued and.......


Court: Public union can't make nonmembers pay fees

The Supreme Court dealt a blow to public sector unions Monday, ruling that thousands of home health care workers in Illinois cannot be required to pay fees that help cover a union's costs of collective bargaining.

The howl of the Libtards grows! 

1 comment:

Buck said...

This one's gonna leave a mark. Good on The Supremes.