Friday, May 23, 2014

25 Years....

That last post got me reminiscing....25 years ago.

So here's the deal.....I flew back to Cinncitucky International. Jump seat out of SFO in a DHL freighter, if memory serves.... Met up with Gator at the airport. Played golf, loaded up a huge motor home and rumbled north to Indy. Race day, we had seats between turns 3-4.  
Now in February of that year I had taken a Bar Exam test for California. The results generally came out at the end of May. No need to sit at home w a i t i n g ..... I headed for Indy and had a friend picking up my mail. It was time to check in.  I walked forever across the infield to find a payphone. Called my friend in California about those bar results. The letter said that The Committee of Bar Examiners is pleased to announce that..... Passed. Lap #3 at Indy. I do not remember much about the walk back. Smiling to much will do that to you. Good times and we had a race to watch. The rum did flow that day. Oh yes it did.... 10 feet tall and bulletproof.

I was sworn in on June 6, 1989.

25 years...........


Buck said...

25 years... it all goes by in the blink of an eye, doesn't it?

Happy Anniversary!

Unknown said...

I can attest, the smile was a mile wide and the rum did flow. I recall an incident with a million power spotlight and a helicopter that well, won't happen again.

Unknown said...

I can attest, the smile was a mile wide and the rum did flow. I recall an incident with a million power spotlight and a helicopter that well, won't happen again.