Wednesday, October 09, 2013

I Was A Ruminating...

The Shutdown Theater is in full swing.  King Baracke the Petulant, is closing parks, throwing old folks out of their homes and houseboats, harrassing WW II veterans and tourists alike.....he has instructed his minions to make life difficult.  He even went so far as to cancel death benefits for the survivors of soldiers killed in his wars. But he did pay $445 MILLION to Big Bird on day #1 of the shutdown.  

One article brought a chuckle, referring to NPS head Ranger,  Jonathan Jarvis as one of the "Little Eichmanns", in charge of harassing citizens. Little remember the last time that phrase was used as a pejorative right?  It was that famous Libtard Professor from University of Colorado, Ward Churchill.  He defined it as "i.e. as those who banally conduct their duties in the service of evil.". Of course, the slam comes from the comparison to that famed NAZI, Adolph Eichmann, who blindly followed the orders of another dear leader during WWII to exterminate Jews, post haste.  Thus, it was with some humor I read the left being hoisted on it's own petard for following King Barracke. How far we have come..

But, I digress...

The actions of Baracke the Petulant were taken due to the Gubbermint being "shutdown"  Woe is us!  Look at all the fine things you citizens will have to do without!  Then, something strange happened. We started hearing that not everything was hut down.  The WWII memorial is fenced, yet the WWI memorial is not.  Some National Parks are shutdown, others not so much. The Mall in D.C. is closed, except it was opened for a bunch of illegal aliens and select Democrats to march on. Some National Park concessionaires are closed, others are open for business. All of which begs the question...Is the Gubbermint shutdown or not?

So Rumbear...why is this important?  Well, pull up a chair my little shutdown friend.  From a legal standpoint, I posit, it will matter.  Each of the citizens infringed has rights under the Constitution.  Remember that pesky 14th Amendment, Equal Protection clause?  All laws are to be applied eqaully. So how do you explain some folks on the Mall and other not?  I don't know either.  Send in the lawyers.

Oh it gets better.  Each concessionaire has an agreement with the Feds to inhabit said shop and earn money. Except now they have been ordered to vacate. Revenues are being lost. Livelihoods impacted. Etc, etc, etc....again the lawyers will enter. Now, I do not know what the contracts betwixt the parties say, perhaps they do address a government shutdown. However, we seem to have a partial, selective shut down by a petulant president in the midst of a hissy fit. Thus, we are back to the argument....why am I closed and that shop is not.  In simple terms it's not fair. Here in America, when something is not fair, someone gets damages in the form of money. Yup, damages.

There you have it. When will the litigation flood begin?  What will be the final tally of the hissy fit of Baracke the Petulant? Who knows?  Not me, although being smarter than the average bear, I know who will be paying for it.....

And the lawyers will get rich.

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