Saturday, July 06, 2013

George Zimmerman Trial Part 3 


Did the defense rest or just collapse?

What an incredibly bad effort by the prosecution. The defense attorney has got to be tempted to rest on Monday.

The race baiters are in full screech with the putrid effort put forth by the prosecution.  It is still a mystery as to why the 2nd degree murder charge was brought. Manslaughter, perhaps. Perhaps.

Stay tuned. Expect the bitter clingers to begin ratcheting up the riot threats if justice, i.e. "what  we want", is not done.

Me?  I stand by my previous prediction.....Acquittal, followed by a burning city or two, (*) and then Eric Holder and the Injustice Department will step in with the olde Civil Rights violation case.

Stock up on your Skittles and creepy ass crackers, the long hot summer is here. Stay frosty.....

(* Oh, and maybe this will be a good time for the Feds to round up all the guns in said protect the chillern, of course.  They just did it in Canada. )

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