Wednesday, July 17, 2013

4th of July

Each year friends ask "What are you doing for the 4th?"  The response for the past 9-10 years has been "hanging at the Club."  The explanation generally fails to establish the good times.  This year a member used a camera attached to a Phantom quad copter to capture the La Playa raft up and the iceberg fun.  Yeah, the Rumbear Youth are in there.

 Now you know....hanging at the Club. Good times.

So, what did you do on the 4th?


Buck said...

So, what did you do on the 4th?

Ah, the usual... adult beverages on the verandah whilst wishing I was somewhere else. But ya can't be everywhere, all the time... ;-)

OldAFSarge said...

Why does the word "idyllic" spring to mind.

Very nice!