Wednesday, May 08, 2013

Today Rep. Darrell Issa is holding yet another round of hearings regarding the murder of our Ambassador to Libya and three other patriots last fall.  This time, the proceedings will feature testimony from the folks that actually attempted to handle the attack as opposed to the Obama Regime sycophants that showed up at the first hearings.  
From pinning fault on some poor shlub who made a movie, hiding witnesses, refusing to grant clearance to the attorney's of key witnesses, to otherwise ignoring what really occurred, the Regime has been working overtime to keep this story from being heard. 
Today, the proceedings began with commentary from a lacky for the Regime,  Rep. Elijah Cummings.  He used his opening statement to attack Chairman Issa and assail the as yet undelivered whistleblowers’ testimony. In refferring to the murder of 4 Americans the esteemed Mr Cummings stated, "Death is a part of life".  The Ambassador was unavailable for comment.
Thus, insuring his place in history as the first piece of floating debris in this punch bowl, Mr. Cummings prattled on, delaying the real testimony, while forcing all to marvel at his utter lack of intelligence. 
The testimony continues as I write this.  Folks smarter than the average bear will have the details. Incompetence, willful neglect or outright exploitation? Suffice it to say, this episode disgusts me.  The spineless nature of the Regime is being exposed. I sense this will play out for some time to come.  The impact is yet to be determined. 
However, I recall watching a presidency toppled over a third rate burglary reported on by a couple of ner do well journalists. It is gut check time for todays media.  Do any of them have any cojones?

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