Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Is that a hatchet?!

 The Problem with Mitt 

Great article over at American Spectator by Jeffrey Lord.  It draws points out the history of the wimp factor in Republican politics.  From Dewy to Ford to Dole to McCain to the present it addresses the battle of the GOP establishment to deny conservatives a seat at the table.  Know your history lest you repeat it.  

"Ford Declares Reagan Can't Win" -- Headline in The New York Times, March 1, 1980

Sound familiar? It was Ford's turn. Reagan was a hindrance from the right.  Now we have the GOP "favorite" Romney being threatened by Gingrich. It's Romeny's turn so, Katie bar the doors!  Mr. Lord goes on to point out the reality of Romney.  Obamacare?  Here is his take.

In the finest tradition of Establishment wimpiness assuring that Romney really doesn't mean it when he talks about undoing Obamacare. Oh no. After all, in Coleman's words:
"We're not going to do repeal. You're not going to repeal Obamacare… It's not a total repeal… You will not repeal the act in its entirety, but you will see major changes, particularly if there is a Republican president.… You can't whole-cloth throw it out. But you can substantially change what's been done."
From Establishment spokesman Senator Coleman -- still more mush.

And you know who understands exactly the message that's being sent by Romney?

Hold on to your conservative hat. That would be no less than uber-leftist George Soros, who recently said this:
"Well, look, either you'll have an extremist conservative, be it Gingrich or Santorum, in which case I think it will make a big difference which of the two comes in," Soros told Reuters in a videotaped interview.
"If it's between Obama and Romney, there isn't all that much difference except for the crowd that they bring with them." 
Thanks George. One hates to say it, but George Soros is right. Note well: It is conservatives Gingrich and Santorum that Soros fears -- not Romney.

Go.......read the whole thing

(Hat tip to Riehl World View for the link) 

Shoot Em! 

What better way to get the word out on the new rules in the park?  Shoot a guy with a stun gun for walking his dog without a leash....of course.  Seems reasonable, maybe, sort of.

A Montara man walking two lapdogs off leash was hit with an electric-shock gun by a National Park Service ranger after allegedly giving a false name and trying to walk away, authorities said Monday.

The park ranger encountered Gary Hesterberg with his two small dogs Sunday afternoon at Rancho Corral de Tierra, which was recently incorporated into the Golden Gate National Recreation Area, said Howard Levitt, a spokesman for the park service.

I'm betting the next dog walker will be on leash!!!!

Monday, January 30, 2012

Back In The Saddle.....  

It's been a long time.  Years to be exact.  Yet, like riding a bike, you never forget how to fly.  What I did forget is how much fun it is.  

Saturday, I ran into an old friend and asked him about a Light Sport facility at KSEE.  "Out of business, Rumbear" he replied.  Then he followed up with "Why do you ask?"  Just thinking about alternatives to get my Bear butt back in the air.  "Walk with me" and we were off....

Mutual friend owns FBO at KMYF.  FBO just received their first Cessna 162 "Skycatcher".  Light Sport aircraft.  If you have a SEL you are qualified, just need a check out or BFR.  The offer of a Tour de Sandy Eggo from the air was proffered. Deal.

Today...it was a done deal.  What a day! What a blast! Thanks Don!!

Color me smitten.

The Lord has ways of telling us we need to work harder.  I just heard my bell.... 

 Oh Yeah......

Monday's Pun(s) !!! 

In exorcism literature, possession is nine-tenths of the lore.

The liquor store advertised, 'We De-Liver.'

Sign on a broken perfume bottle, "Out of odor".

Moochelle Shops

Michelle Obama 'closed off Agent Provocateur's Madison Avenue boutique to spend $50,000 on lingerie'

The Telegraph claimed: 'Michelle Obama has risked the wrath of cash-strapped Americans by indulging in a $50,000 shopping spree at Agent Provocateur...
'Along with the the Queen of Qatar, Sheikha Mozah, she closed off part of Madison Avenue to spend time in the luxury lingerie shop.'

The article also said that Mrs Obama's alleged spree had sparked the 12 per cent boost in sales recently released by the British label.

Agent Provocateur has refused to issue comment on whether any of the claims were true or false.
A spokesman for the label said only: 'Agent Provocateur declines to comment regarding celebrity and VIP customers.'


....you thought she bought her undies at Target?

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Helllllo Betty! 

Well, well, well.....guess what the local FBO just got in.  Yup, Cessna 162.  $85.00 an hour, wet. 

Stay tuned.

Bay Area 

This will prolly offend someone. 

(Helen Waite is standing bye in the complaint department)

Saturday, January 28, 2012


A very wise man opines...

“Those who want to concentrate on the baggage in Newt Gingrich’s past, rather than on the nation’s future, should remember what Winston Churchill said: ‘If the past sits in judgment on the present, the future will be lost.’ If that means a second term for Barack Obama, then it means we’ve lost, big time.”

Who will listen?

UPDATE:  In passing...The Newster just received the endorsement of Herman Cain.  Newt...endorsed by Herman Cain, Rick Perry, Sarah Palin, I wonder why? What do they have in common?  Must be something.......

Friday, January 27, 2012

Plane Porn 

"Connie" aka Lockheed EC121 Constellation.  

The Lockheed Constellation ("Connie") was a propeller-driven airliner powered by four 18-cylinder radial Wright R-3350 engines. It was built by Lockheed between 1943 and 1958 at its Burbank, California, USA, facility. A total of 856 aircraft were produced in numerous models, all distinguished by a triple-tail design and dolphin-shaped fuselage. The Constellation was used as a civilian airliner and as a U.S. military air transport, seeing service in the Berlin Airlift. It was the presidential aircraft for U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower.


It's Aloha Friday...    
 ...no work till Monday!!!


Doo de doo, de doo, de doo ....

Spent the morning at the range.  Saturday ...Girls Fastpitch Teams announced.  Sunday is gun cleaning & a little CR-914 racing!!  Y'all have a great weekend!

Doo de doo, de doo, de doo ....

"Get your island fix on the Internet with KPOA!"
Listen live to the island sounds from Maui!
Day Care...... 

sign me up!!!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Facebook?  Tweets?  ....

Don't Give Me That BS! 

Yes, I can read lips...in still photos.  Looks like president Zero got taken to the wood shed.  The narcissist in Chief is not gonna like this picture circulating.   

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Repetitive & Redundant

The redolent nature of this State of the Union still lingers.  

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Sausalito Yacht Club 

Tuesday Night Racing.....


I got yur motivation.....

(Hat Tip to Michelle Obama's Mirror)

Monday, January 23, 2012

Happy Birthday Bailey!!

Born: January 23, 2005

Mitt Says Enuff!  

Takes off the gloves in dealing with Newt Romney

Mean while in Florida.....

president Zero Puts on the Glove!

(Hat Tip to the Lumberjack)

How to Think Like a Liberal...


by the English.

(stolen from Facebook, I think)

Monday's Pun(s) !!!

I don't know how to put on a helmet - the whole idea goes right over my head.

Though humble in secular matters, the minister had an altar ego.

I've never killed a deer before but I'll take a shot at it.

Saturday, January 21, 2012


Get yours here!

Home Run!

Found this little missive over at Riehl World View.  Let's just say it struck a note. 

Why I'm Backing Newt Gingrich

For conservatives, I'm a might tired of the weenies who prance around on the Internet as if they're spoiling for a fight, then when someone with a little fight in them comes along, they start sounding like pussified Republicans. Oh, God, no, we can't have that go on!!

One of the Left's big advantages is, they aren't afraid of a little passion in their politics. They're also more willing to take risks. Well, there's a rule of thumb that applies, higher risk is required for higher reward. Look it up in your capitalist manifesto, when you climb down off your high horse and stop defending it, when it wasn't under attack in the first place.

I didn't start out backing Newt Gingrich. Perry was my guy. He's gone and you go to war with the army you've got, or you can sit in your tent and pick your ass, while government continues to grow and we continue the long, slow slide into statism that's been going on for almost a century, now.

It is inconceivable that we will see any serious Right-leaning reform from a guy like Mitt Romney. He may work hard at some things when it suits him, but he has no history of fighting for anything other than perhaps parochial interests when the current is seriously against him. And the current in Washington and the media is most definitely against conservatism.

Another must read, especially you "pussified Republicans": Clicky Clicky

Friday, January 20, 2012

It's Aloha Friday...    
 ...no work till Monday!!!


Doo de doo, de doo, de doo ....

Saturday ...Red Wings are playing the BJ's.  The Girls Fastpitch Softball tryouts on Sunday!! Maybe a little range time....shhh don't tell anybody. Y'all have a great weekend!

Doo de doo, de doo, de doo ....

"Get your island fix on the Internet with KPOA!"
Listen live to the island sounds from Maui!


My adopted hometown. All of the Rumbear Youth were born in the shadow of Mt Tamalpais.

A Democrats View.

Great article posted up over at the American Thinker.  president Zero may be serving his "base" however the common sense Democrats are growing, uh umm, restless.  Karin McQuillan would be in such group....

Now We Know Who Was Right about Obama

On intelligence, sadly, the Democrats were completely wrong.  Democrats swooned over Obama's suave self-presentation.  They constantly cited his position as editor at the Harvard Law Review as an impressive qualification to be president of the United States.  (Strange, but true.)  Republicans who did their homework knew that Obama was not the first black, but only the first affirmative action Harvard Law Review editor.  He did make history at the Law Review: he was the only editor never to write an article for the Review.  Indeed, Obama has never written a law article on anything.  Despite being given a job as lecturer on constitutional law at the University of Chicago, he is unpublished.

Journalists proclaimed him the most intelligent man to ever hold the White House.  What does this great brain do with his free time?  According to the New York Times, his favorite activities are playing Taboo, Wii video games, and basketball.  It seems that the Republicans were right who wondered about a mediocre high school student who smoked dope and drifted through his early college years at Occidental and was an "unspectacular" student at Columbia.  As Donald Trump asked, "I heard he was a terrible student, terrible.  How does a bad student go to Columbia and then to Harvard?"  Percy Sutton, former borough president of Manhattan, in a TV interview, gives one possible answer: Islamic supremacist Dr. Khalid al-Mansour, an advisor to a wealthy Saudi, paid for Barack Obama to go to Harvard Law School.

We now see the lazy student, the charmer in the White House, busy at what he likes best: golf, basketball, vacations, parties, speeches, and raising money.  He has not been the policy wonk Democrats dreamed of, President Clinton redux.  Obama doesn't do hard work.  He farmed out his health reform to Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, showing no interest or capability in formulating the details of the policy or even working the politics to get it through Congress.  He famously didn't lift the phone to call Capitol Hill and get his signature policy passed.  Obama's only contribution was nonstop speeches, which failed to win over the country.  He doesn't seem interested in or capable of formulating an intelligent economic policy or foreign policy.  He doesn't care enough to even try.

GO. Read the whole thing. 

(Hat Tip to Lex for the link)

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Grandpa can watch the kid.......

...yes he can.


Who is this guy?
Perry's Out!

Just like that Rick Perry has pulled his campaign to the side of the trail and has suspended operations.  Like a cattle drive that ran out of cattle.  He stopped long enough to endorse Newt Romney as the most viable Conservative in the group. Guess he is heading back to Texas to wait for Ron Paul.

Thus, we are left with Rick Santorum, Newt Romney, Mitt Gingrich and ....Ron Paul.  The best and the brightest.....Lord help us.

I Know....

.....I'm racist for posting this.

Keystone Pipeline.....Ezra Responds

Keystone Calamity : Prime time : SunNews Video Gallery

Red Wings Fans Know....

Gingrich's Ex Ready to Unload!

Curious timing.  It's almost like that game Whack A Mole.  Gingrich pops his head up and Whack!  Who has the hammer?

Here's some headlines I would be curious about...

Obama's ex roommate ready to unload.
Obama's ex girlfriend ready to unload.
Obama's ex boyfriend ready to unload.
Obama's ex neighbor ready to unload
Obama's ex Imam ready to unload.
Obama's ex intern ready to unload.
Obama's ex drug dealer ready to unload.
Obama's ex [enter grade here] teacher ready to unload.
Obama's ex [enter grade here] professor ready to unload.
Obama's ex [enter grade here] department head ready to unload.
Obama's Assistant Editor at the Harvard Law Review ready to unload.
Obama's ex Constitutional Law student ready to unload.
Obama's ex community that was organized ready to unload

Of course we will never see those because WE DO NOT KNOW WHO ANY OF THESE PEOPLE ARE!