Monday, August 20, 2012

Sue em... 

This crap get's me fired up. Kid bust her bottom, good grades, top of her class, full ride scholarship to college ....and then an idiot comes into her life.

When tasked with writing the graduation speech, her dad said she got her inspiration from the movie “Eclipse: The Twilight Saga.”
Nootbaar said, “Her quote was, ‘When she first started school she wanted to be a nurse, then a veterinarian and now that she was getting closer to graduation, people would ask her, what do you want to do and she said how the hell do I know? I’ve changed my mind so many times.’”
He said in the written script she gave to the school she wrote “heck,” but in the moment she said “hell” instead. 
Nootbaar said the audience laughed, she finished her speech to warm applause and didn’t know there was a problem.
That was until she went to pick up the real certificate this week.
“We went to the office and asked for the diploma and the principal said, ‘Your diploma is right here but you’re not getting it. Close the door; we have a problem,’” Nootbaar said.
He said the principal told Kaitlin she would have to write an apology letter before he would release the diploma.

What the hell?  Sue all of them.  Name each individual miscreant who had a hand in this decision individually.  Name the School district, the Board, the Principal, the cheer leading coach, their grandchildren and the damn dog.  Sue them until THEY write an apology and offer to teach classes based upon the First Amendment.

 Sue em & make them pay your cost for suing them. 

Of course, I mean this in a good way...justice for all and all that....

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