Monday, August 13, 2012

More Crap 

Remember the South Park episode where the level of "crap" was measured in "Courics"?   I give you the "Solyndra"....

Via Instapundit, the Treasury Department now estimates taxpayers' losses on the auto bailout at $25 billion. This figure, however, relies on some optimistic assumptions; the reality is likely to be far worse.

One optimistic assumption is noted by the Detroit News in the linked article: GM's stock price.
The $25 billion figure (equal to 46.7 solyndras) is based on GM's closing price at the end of May, $22.20. However, the stock has continued to decline through the Summer and despite rallying off its late July lows, the stock now stands at $20.47, at which price the loss on GM is $850 million (or 1.6 solyndras) greater than in May. Were the stock to retest its 52-week low of $18.72, the loss would be $1.75 billion (or 3.3 solyndras) more than the Treasury estimate.

GM = 46.7 Solyndras.  Here's the ball GOP....RUN!

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