Thursday, March 01, 2012

Law School Whore?

Sandra Fluke has a problem keeping her legs together and paying for birth control at the same time.  Thus, she wants you and I to pay for her frivolity.

Being a tramp just ain't what it used to be.  Ms Fluke pays Georgetown Law School in excess of $70K a year to learn the law.  In her spare time she, and apparently many of her classmates like to, as Bob Segar used to the Horizontal Bop. Problem is it costs her $3,000.00 per year to pay for her birth control devices.  What's a girl to do? Wash Cars? Get a job? Ask Mom & Dad for some $$? Hell no!  She wants the gubbermint, i.e. you and me, to pay her for it!  

Poor, pitiful law student. Sandra Fluke can somehow afford to attend Georgetown Law School, but can’t afford to pay for her own contraception. She wants you to take care of that for her, thankyouverymuch, whether you want to or not.

UPDATE: PJ Tatler;
Doing a bit more fact-checking of Pelosi’s protege. The pill can be had from Wal-Mart for about $9 a month, or $108 per year. Anyone with a smartphone is paying far more than that annual pill cost for one month of their precious iPhone. And if Miss Fluke could tear herself away from answering “How you doin?” in the affirmative for a few hours, she could get her tubes actually tied off for between $1000 and $3000.
Either this Georgetown law student is too dumb to shop around to reduce her lifestyle costs, or she’s using abortion as birth control, or she’s just lying about this whole thing. If it’s the latter, Congress might suddenly find her testimony a whole lot more interesting.

UPDATE UPDATE: Turns out she is a plant by Peelosi & the Dems.  Does that make her a lying whore?

As a student at Cornell and treasurer of a a pro-choice organization at the school, Sandra Fluke, helped shut down a pro-life speech on Cornell’s campus by counter protesting. She argued that a pro-life organization at Cornell was about “manipulating [students'] emotions” with misleading statistics about abortion. But when it is her turn to speak on Capitol Hill, the third-year Georgetown Law Student demands she gets her say in a hearing that has nothing to do with birth control.

Fluke, who was awarded a B.S. in Policy Analysis & Management, and a Feminist, Gender, & Sexuality Studies degree from Cornell in 2003, has since become a cause celebre among the political left-wing because she wasn’t allowed to testify in a congressional hearing.