Monday, December 26, 2011

Monday's Post Christmas Pun(s) !!!!!!!

Nothing like a good groan to help you through the day after Christmas!!

Christmas is the time of year when women get Santamental.

Christmas is the time of year when mother has to separate the men from the toys.

Christmess: Five minutes after the gifts are opened.

Scrooge loves all the reindeer equally, because every buck is dear to him.

What did Adam say the day before Christmas?
It's Christmas, Eve!

What does December have that other months don't have?
The letter D.

What do Christmas trees and bad knitters have in common?
They both drop their needles.

"Why don't we ever hear about 'Olive,' the 10th reindeer?" asked Bert.
"What 10th Reindeer?" asked Scott.
"You know. Olive, the other reindeer, used to laugh and call him names."