Monday, November 07, 2011

What's Your Major?

Wandering amongst the massing of human debris that is OWS, the plaintive wail of a 99% is often heard....“Why Can’t I Get A Job In My Field?”
Well, every picture tells a story, sweet heart.  

So now we hear debates about how my Program II Global Marginalized Cultural Art Studies degree is the same as your Bio Mechanical Engineering degree.  Maybe even better.....

I’ve heard that math and science classes are supposed to be, like, harder than many humanities classes, but I don’t think that’s true. I took my quantitative science and natural science classes just like my pre-med friends. I got an A in CompSci 82 and an A in Dino Bio, and I didn’t even have to study very much. I think science majors might just be lazy, or maybe they’re entitled because they’re at Duke. I know all about entitlement. I took a class on it. I got an A-, which is pretty bad, but I think the professor was just trying to prove a point.

I know it must be hard for you Prattstars (what a heteronormative nickname, by the way—you should be ashamed of yourselves) to understand this, but look: I work just as hard as you. I think my substantially higher GPA should back me up here. One time, I spent three weeks meticulously crafting a pop-up book for one of the three classes on fairy tales I was taking that semester. If that’s not an intense workload, I don’t know what is. So stop judging me for my major. Besides, I’m going to get a job, too, but unlike you, I’ll still have a soul.

So yeah, you have that going for you....