Sunday, August 28, 2011

president Zero, Our Hero.

So we learned that Zero cut short his most recent vacation apparently due to "Hurricane" Irene waddling up the east coast. The back story seems to be that on the faint winds preceding the tropical storm ole Zero and his finely tuned senses wafted the hint of opportunity. Yes, a photo opportunity!!

Notwithstanding the fact that his mere presence in the Vineyard limits residents in their hurricane prep.
Indeed, the fact that his locale posits a NOTAM over the airspace and limits air travel, along with his lengthy motorcade(s) to sip sarsaparilla on the beach impacts those that, you know, actually live there and have something to protect. So Zero hopped on a helicopter and a jet and flew to, was. Interestingly, Moochelle, elected to stay and take a separate jet sometime later. (You can do that when it ain't your money being spent on travel).

When next we see Zero he is at the "Hurricane Center" apparently lending his Occidental College expertise to the other Wizards of Smart at the Center. There he is right there, in the photo, with a name placard and everything. president Zero, shortened vacation and working hard for YOU! Click.

Here's another take from Roger Kimball at Pajmas Media:

A friend with a sense of humor sent me this reassuring story: “Obama Takes Charge at Hurricane Center.” “Now you can sleep well tonight,” he said. Hardly that. I mean really: does he look like a man who has a clue about what to do? Ponder the official NOAA name plate emblazoned with “Barack Obama President of the United States.” Why does that seem ridiculous? After all, he isthe President of the United States. Maybe it’s because it put me in mind of that iconic image of Mike Dukakis in his tank. Anyway, if it failed to be reassuring, it did introduce a welcome moment of levity.

Dukakis? Ouch! Sleep well my East Coast friends.........

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