Friday, August 26, 2011


I am back. Jeebus on a pogo stick what a month. SNO wandered off to college to gain a little knowledge. Frankly, me thinks he's trying to learn how to score. I headed off to Pepperdine to broaden my horizons......awesome class/course. (a dry quaint). My 20th wedding anniversary came to pass. yeah I was in Malibu. The course ended and after 7 days I drove like a bat out of Malibu to make it to dinner with SNO in Irvine....he blew me off. Undaunted, I rocketed southbound towards the Rumbear Manor to catch the South East Coast Editor on the latter part of his flying safari. (Patience...I'll get there). Much reminiscing ...suffice it to say Rum was involved. The wife? She was in Yuma rafting the river. Gator left the next morn and yours truly promptly fell ill for the week. Hazy recall at this point. Tried to work....Nah. Hey, good news.... the jet ski is no longer a submarine. Health condition deteriorated as the weekend approached and Sunday morning..... Oh, a toilet exploded and your office is flooded...get yur crap out NOW! Monday....

Wait, I said ill....bedridden, Amoxicillin, Erythromycin, DayQuil, NyQuil, Musenex, Aspirin, coughing, hacking, sneezing, sore throat, upset stomach, bucket by the bed for at least two weeks running, Jeebus take me now ...Ill.

Yet, I live. Ergo, I blog.

I'm back. Much to catch up on....

(to be continued)

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