The serious, hard thinkers on the right poo poo this as a sideshow, unworthy of serious questioning. Trump is an embarrassment and should not be taken seriously. Here's a quick fact...write it down, make book on it, have fun...Donald Trump will not be the Republican candidate for president.
It's about truth and trust. I make a living in a court room. An adjunct of that living is I get to deal with liars more than most folks. Sometimes they boldly lie to your face and other times they "forget" to tell you about something. What I have learned is that if somebody will lie to you on small things of seeming unimportance then they will also lie on large issues when it serves their purpose. So when I find a person has "forgotten" or , here's the legal term "misrepresented' a fact, I get suspicious, suspicious of everything. Truth is betrayed and trust begins to fade.
So you carry that skepticism with you and when you next deal with this person do you trust that they are telling you the truth or do you filter what they say with some skepticism? Normal folks inject some skepticism in to what they are told the second time around. In layman's terms, the bullshit meter starts going off. How about the third or fourth encounter with the person.....trust em? Recall that old adage "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me." What do you think was the basis for that truism? Well............?
Here is a short list off the top of my head of the BS from Zero, call it "Essence of Obama":
No troops on the ground in Libya
Unemployment below 8%
No death panels
Keep your current health insurance
Increasing offshore drilling
Light bulbs...safer...please
Jobs? Hello?
Guantanamo closed?
Spending money reduces debt
We have to save Government Motors!
So back to the Conservative elites poo pooing the issue of president Zero's birthplace. It is a trivial matter. Could be handled easily by simply producing the birth certificate. But ole Zero could not do that. No, he knew better. Of course civilized Conservatives said what he has released is enough. Let's be mature here and move on. That's what Zero was banking on....move along, let the scam be. Republicans are not like Democrats, in that they assume the best in people. Surely no one would dupe us on a birth certificate. To easy to disprove. (or is it?) What Zero was not counting on was a RINO huckster like Trump who has the ability to act like a Democrat when he latches on to an issue. Through the efforts of the Donald, president Zero has been flushed out and forced to produce what purports to be the long found/lost/misplaced/FOUND! long form birth certificate. Amazing. Trump has shown the way on how to flush out a fraud.
Yet, within hours of it being posted on the internet, amateur sleuths had illustrated flaws in the document. It seem to raise more questions than it answers. No sequential numbers, evidence of layering, (i.e. cut & paste for you folks in Rio Linda), no stamping and, of course, it's signed by "U. K. LeLee". It's real, trust me. Indeed.
So I doubt president Zero. My instincts scream fraud. His track record is one of a proven liar. It comes to ole Zero naturally. He wears the ability to lie like a $4,000.00 Brioni suit. It fits him and his purpose. Look at me! Unfortunately it is an empty suit. The kind of suit that can chastise the country that we don't have time for this silliness and then jump on a government jet to New York (oops, it was Chicago) to appear on Oprah and attend a fundraiser....at your expense. All that is missing is a round of golf. Serious, indeed.
Now, let's deal with the serious issues that confront us. But don't ask me to trust this president...shame on you.
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