Friday, July 16, 2010

Just. Go. Read. It.

Charles Krauthammer has a great post up over at NRO.  Mandatory reading for conservatives.  The good Doctor urges Republicans to NOT underestimate president Zero.  Things may look rosy for the fall elections but Zero is playing a long game.  In short, Zero does not care about the 2010 elections.  Why should he?

The Republicans need, no, must, understand that the current voter support is not due to any grand plan or scheme that they have.  The shift is due to voters that are fed up with Zero.  The Republicans are not offering any valid counter point other than "WE, are not Him".  Couple this with the inevitable SNAFU mentality wherein the Republicans shoot themselves in the foot over some trivial miscue (i.e. "macaca") and you will see why the outcome in the fall, while looking rosy, needs massaging. 

The Tea Party is the pointy end of the sword at the moment.  They are being savaged by the left because they have a position.  Juxtapose that with the current "Leaders" of the Republican party, failed fighter pilot, John McCain, Lyndsey Gramnesty, Oren Hatch, Mitt Romney...are you hearing anything of their plan for success?  No, their plan is to perpetuate themselves. These are not the "Leader's" that will bring forth a viable victory.  They stand for whatever will get them elected and keep them in office.
Back to the fall it out...Republicans take the House and Senate, I know, I know, stay with me here.  Republican win big in the fall.  The new improved Congress under the Republican leadership will do ....what? Think.  They will begin taking things away.  Healthscare reform, deficit reduction, trim the recently passed banking regulations, maybe even give GM back to it's rightful owners.  Taking things away.  That will leave a lot of un-happy voters for 2012.  Don't forget president Zero still has upwards of 60% of the "stimulus" money to spend.  Money to spend on those un-happy voters.  A Republican Congress becomes the perfect foil for a wise politician.  Say what you will about Zero, but he does know how to get elected.

Now do you see it?  The long game...2012.  Republicans need to look farther out than 2010.  Time to stop clowning around.  The plan must be how to avoid the second coming......

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