Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Fair Sarah

The lovely and talented Mrs. Palin gave a rousing speech over the weekend at the Tea Party get together.   She had the temerity to ask  "How's that hopey, changey stuff workin' out for you?"  The liberal are in full attack mode as is to be expected.  One of the items was a photo showing she had words written on the palm of her hand.  PROOF she is/was a lightweight. 

Yeah right.

One pundit responded pointing out that the hand was a "Redneck Teleprompter".  Ouch!

The best response came from Sarah herself the next day as she was campaigning for Rick Perry down in Texas.

"Hi Mom!"

This woman has her hand on the pulse of this movement.  Whether you hate her or love her, you better not take your eyes off her.

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