Thursday, January 28, 2010


That's the hip way to say State of the Union.  president Zero gave a stemwinder of a report last night on his version of reality. There are numerous reports today that slice and dice the 90 minutes that many will never get back.  Me? I did the varnish on the Whaler.  (7 coats and it's looking sweeeet! Thanks for asking)

Here's my take aways....Zero is stumbling from his record of fail.  If he doesn't get it, he is just plain stupid.  If he does get it, he is just being petulant.  Attacking the Supremes as they sit in front of you is not a wise move.  The Supremes are a co-equal branch of government.  Maybe he forgot.  Remember Zero was, or more accurately, touts himself, as a Constitutional law professor.  Your educational dollars at work.  Here is the video of Justice Alito calling out Zero on his lie.

Notice how the only ones not standing are those that actually have to work for a living?  I'm just saying....

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