Monday, August 17, 2009

Run Away! Run Away!!

president Zero has heard the people and is in retreat!!! Acknowledging the high degree of ineptitude in the Health Care Plan, Zero the Hero is regrouping. First we learned that the "Death Panels" that we were assured did not exist...were being cut from the bill no one has read. Then we have the concession that the public option is going away, and finally the snitch line website is gone. Time to celebrate!! Right?!

Nothing "fishy" anymore, eh?

Not so fast.

Howard "Yeeeeaaarrrrrggh" Dean has weighed in deftly explaining that they will have this proviso in the final bill. He knows that all of the smart Democrats will realize that it really is best for you. By the by...what is the "Public Option anyway?? Notice that they have changed the name again??

I guessing here, but maybe even a be wise Latina would need a crystal ball to figure out what Zero is up to. What the peoples really said was they do not want the government in their health all. No repackaging, re pitching and slipping something by....nothing.

The olde Rumbear doesn't need a crystal ball...I would not to believe a word Zero or any of his cronies says........ now, where is my Holy Hand Grenade?

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